The Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce is proud to offer our members and your employees, family/friends a FREE DISCOUNT DRUG CARD. Receive savings of up to 75 percent at over 56,000 pharmacies across the country (savings average around 30 percent). This card is especially helpful if you are uninsured or underinsured. However, even if you have insurance, you can still use this card to get a discount on non-covered drugs. All prescriptions processed through the program are completely confidential (no name required on card).
This program is being provided to Mitchell County Chamber members and your employees and family to help lower your prescription drug costs. This card can be used as your primary plan and/or it can be used on prescriptions not covered by your insurance plan. This program also includes other value added programs which will be listed on the card. Please enter your name in the box below and we will generate a printable membership card for you (no application/enrollment or eligibility required). This program has “LOWEST PRICE” logic to guarantee that you get the best deal on your prescriptions. (You pay the lower of a discount off Average Wholesale Price–AWP, discount off MAC Pricing or Pharmacy Promotional/Retail price). This card is pre-activated and can be used immediately!
Print a card for yourself, employees, friends and family by clicking here.