Valentine’s Day Events Give An Opportunity to Show Some Local Love

The Mitchell County Chamber has a question for our community. If you could write a love letter to our businesses for Valentine’s Day what would it say?

Two Valentine’s Day events planned in Bakersville and Spruce Pine will give our community a chance to answer that question and show some loval to local business while enjoying a great evening to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

“There’s no doubt that our businesses have suffered during the past year, “ said Patti Jensen, Director of the Mitchell County Chamber of Commerce. “Since last March our businesses have been doing everything in their power to keep their businesses afloat and to keep their employees on staff. “We don’t know yet what 2021 is going to be, but we know that as a community we need to keep up our efforts to focus on supporting local businesses.”

To kick off the year, the Chamber is sponsoring Valentine’s events in Bakersville and Spruce Pine on Valentine’s weekend. Each night businesses will be staying open late and offering specials, discounts and giveaways carriage rides through town, photo set ups, flowers for sale and more. The Bakersville event will be held Friday, February 12th from 5:00-7:30 pm. Carriage rides will begin at United Community Bank and businesses will be having hot cocoa, sweet treats, flowers for sale by the 4-H, photos by a local photographer and more!
The Spruce Pine event will be held on Saturday, February 13th from 5:00-7:30 pm with businesses staying open late with specials and giveaways, carriage rides through downtown with pickup on Upper Street across from the Market on Oak, dining specials in restaurants, flowers for sale and more.

Springmaid Mountain will be providing the carriage services. There is no charge to ride the carriage, instead the “ticket to ride” will be a receipt from a local business totaling at least $20. “One way that locals can support our businesses is by visiting a local business from Feb 11-13 and making a purchase of at least $20,” said Jensen. “That receipt will serve as the ticket to ride the carriage,” said Jensen, “as the Chamber will cover the cost of the carriage and the local purchase helps our businesses.” Reservations are required to ride the carriage and those who want to reserve a time slot can call Springmaid Mountain at 765-2353.

“We hope our local community will make dinner plans at a local restaurant and  take part in the Valentine event activities and are encouraged to make a point to stop in each business that evening to say hello and show support,” said Jensen. The Chamber hopes that these events will be the first of many throughout the coming year to create fun activities and events in our community while also focusing on supporting local businesses. “If we will all work together, we can make great things happen in our county, “said Jensen. “As a Chambe,r we welcome everyone’s input and help in making this a great year for our communities and our businesses.”

For more information and details on the upcoming Valentine’s events, follow the Mitchell County Chamber Facebook page for updates or call 765-9033.


Play the Chamber’s Valentine Giveaway Game for a chance to win a great gift basket!

Visit as many businesses as you can on February 12 in Bakersville or February 13th in Spruce Pine and get their signature. Drop the game sheet off in the mailbox outside the Chamber office at 11 Crystal Street in Spruce Pine or the mail slot at the Bakersville Town Hall to enter! Hint: More signatures=More chances to win! There will also be a special valentine hidden in one of the stores in both Bakersville and Spruce Pine. Find the special Valentine and get extra points by taken a photo of yourself with it, posting it to social media and tagging the Mitchell County Chamber.

Download and Print the Game Sheet Here: Valentines Game



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