Mayland College Offers Free Seminars

Mayland Community College Offers Free Business Seminars to Improve Your Success

The mission of the Small Business Center (SBC) is to help increase the number of small businesses and their success rate in Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey Counties. They provide business owners and prospective owners with information, training, counseling, and referral for service.

The Small Business Center offers the following services:

1. Free seminars on topics that address local business needs.  These topics include

How to Start a Business
How to Write a Business Plan
Marketing Your Business
Financing Your Business
How to Find Your Customers
Business Taxes
Basics of Bookkeeping

Other topics are offered each semester.  Please consult the MCC Small Business Center Seminar Schedule for current class offerings and registration information.

2. Free confidential business counseling services.
3. A lending library of reference materials.  The library is housed in the college’s Learning Resource Center at our Spruce Pine Campus.

All Small Business Center services are offered at no cost to participants.  Watch the Mitchell County Chamber newsletter each week for a posting of the most recently scheduled free seminars.

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