New Medical Office Building Set to Open

Blue Ridge Regional Hospital Mauzy-Phillips Medical Office Building is Set to Open in late Summer 2015

Progress continues on Blue Ridge Regional Hospital’s new medical office building, with a completion date set for Summer 2015.

The Mauzy-Phillips Medical Center, the two-story, 30,000 square foot medical center will house several medical practice offices and outpatient services in one central location. Visiting specialty physicians who currently rotate space inside the hospital will relocate to the new building, improving accessibility to patients in the area.

Crews are finishing up work on the facility with the interior set to be completed by lateJune, according to Mission Health’s Vice President of Ambulatory Development Oscar Weinmeister.

Weinmeister, Blue Ridge Regional’s former CEO who helped develop the initial project in 2013, has continued to oversee the building’s progress. He estimates the building will be fully completed and operational for patient use by late July or early August.
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