ASU’s Turchin Center for the Visual Arts Partners with Penland School of Crafts

Mitchell County’s Penland School of Crafts highlights instructors in The Penland 9 Exhibit

The Turchin Center for the Visual Arts at Appalachian State University is partnering with the Penland School of Crafts to showcase the nine Penland Studio coordinators and their art.

Located in nearby Spruce Pine, Penland is an international center for craft education dedicated to helping people live creative lives. The school offers intensive workshops in books and paper, clay, drawing, glass, iron, metals, photography, printmaking and letterpress, textiles and wood.

The “Penland 9” exhibition will be housed in the Turchin Center’s Main Gallery Jan. 10 through June 6, 2017. Visitors are invited to this rare opportunity to experience the collective talents and fine craftsmanship of nine artists who are more often guiding the creation of art through their students than being in the spotlight themselves.

Artists participating in the exhibition are Daniel T. Beck, studio coordinator for iron; Betsy DeWitt, studio coordinator for photography; Susan Feagin, studio coordinator for clay, Melanie Finlayson, studio manager; Jay Fox, studio coordinator for books, paper, letterpress and print; Nick Fruin, studio coordinator for glass; Ian Henderson, studio coordinator for metals; Ellie Richards, studio coordinator for wood; Amanda Thatch, studio coordinator for textiles & drawing/painting.

Mary Ann Redding, Currator of the Turchin Center said, “Working together to support the practices of other artists at Penland has given the talented coordinators a remarkable synergy; their artwork is both individually strong and at the same time shows a remarkable compatibility with one another – creating a dynamic and moving installation.”

To learn more about the Penland School of Crafts visit

To learn more about the Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, visit

Special Thanks to Mountain Times for permission to share visit Mountain Times


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